Sunday, April 12, 2009

The inaugural rant about nothing

Today is a Sunday masquerading as a Monday.
It's a day pretending that it is a real day off, when really, the paper and computer beckon and convince you to start thinking about work ... just a little bit at at time. Then while I put off thinking about work for a while, silly little questions pop into my mind, such as:
- What colour is taupe and why do so many blog sites use it? (Apparently taupe can be a variety of colours but is defined as a dark grayish-brown color. Blah)
- Can you wear slippers over to a friends house to babysit? And what is the comfort vs style line with your slippers?
- Why do children only want to snuggle you when they are tired, grumpy or just seem to want to wipe their nose on your once was clean tee shirt?
- If you stop the washing machine before the spin cycle has finished, will it eventually break the machine?
- And the BIG question after the easter weekend ... why does it feel like chocolate easter eggs are not so delicious as they used to be? They just don't seem to taste as nice, as memorable. When I was younger for easter I would always ask for icing eggs as my easter treat. Yes, incredibly elaborate decorated eggs which were solidly made of icing sugar ... YUMMY!! Now it's all about the chocolate, and the chocolate just doesn't seem that good anymore. Mind you, it didn't stop James and Mia going crazy for chocolate this easter!!
Happy Easter ... xx

The photos are of Mia trying her first ever chocolate (YUM!) and James showing off his lollipop and easter bunny soft toy!

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