Monday, May 25, 2009

Cough, cough, sniff, sneeze!

Oh the joys of the seasonal changes.
The change from summer to autumn is quite a tricky one and this year it feels like we have skipped autumn and jumped straight to winter, brrrrrrrrr! As soon as the temperature at night changes I can feel the difference in myself and also with the beautiful sounds of our children, sniffing, sneezing and the yukky dry cough. Blah. We've already had the first proper colds, Mia and Chris both came down with cranking coughs/snotty noses and Chris' seemed to go straight to a nasty case of the man flu - and nobody likes the man flu! I am reminded of a brilliant video have a look when you get a moment cos it is all true!! Seriously though Chris has soldiered on through his flu and now we are on the other side. Mia on the other hand ... well the snotty nose just keeps hanging in there. I blame the two new teeth that have just started poking through the gums, they are huge and they look so damn sore! 3 solid weeks of teething is enough to make any sane person go craaaaaaaaazy. (And I never said I was sane.) Winter officially starts on Monday June 1st which makes me wonder how long it will be until the first ice on the window in the morning? May also be time to get the old poly props out for those chilly mornings so both children can be all rugged up and hopefully, fingers crossed, not have a cold or a sniffle for at least two weeks... we hope! xx

This is me with James and Mia smiling in the face of the cold virus!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ohhh the blogging pressure!

I love reading blogs, I like writing them ... but sometimes I suffer from blog envy. Some bloggers seem to be able write pages and pages about their lives, their thoughts and I wonder how they find the time?! Once you post a blog, there is a countdown til your next one is due, you can almost hear the clock ticking and people checking to see if there is a new update. I've decided to go at my own pace and at my own speed ie. slow!! So when in doubt, always post photos - such as this fabulous one of James and Mia. I find if I stare at the pic for a while it makes me smile and remember something cool which made me laugh today. This weekend we are in Auckland visiting family and on Saturday we are dropping the children to my Mum who is going to look after them for an entire week - cool eh!? I am feeling slightly guilty though as I will NOT be seeing my own children on Mothers Day. Does that make me a bad mother? Or should I just embrace the excitement of being child free for a few days and try to celebrate? Recently we were lucky enough to meet the Wiggles when they came to town - I am not sure who was more excited - Chris and I or the children!! Happy day everyone xx