Saturday, February 13, 2010

Things I've learnt recently

What I've learnt recently...
* Chris and I are pretty much the only people I know NOT celebrating Valentines Day. Hahaha I honestly think it is over-rated and NO this isn't cos I didn't get a valentine from him! It's our wedding anniversary soon, we'll celebrate then.
* I wear waaaaay too much black. Thanks Sally Anne Moffat!! Next time I can afford to go shopping, I am going bright colours all the way!! Heck, I may even try purple again.
* Men definitely DO have periods but they are always without rhyme nor reason!! And you can't map them on a calendar... unfortunately.
* The good old fashioned 2 container disciplining method does work!! We are using two plastic see through containers to help James and US! There is one container with "good behaviour" marbles in it and one for "unacceptable behaviour" marbles. The marbles move around according to behaviour and once he has all the marbles in the good jar, he gets a very exciting outing or treat. So far so good .... touch wood.
* Some dog owners never pick up their poos around here. Gosh it drives me crazy, it is not that hard guys - just take a plastic bag out with you when you go walking.
* Oh look Briscoes are having a sale. AGAIN.
* Watching our children dance makes the Chipmunks CD bearable. Just. See photos below and yes James is "playing" his cricket bat!
Have a super week everyone!! xx

Thursday, January 14, 2010

2010 - a new year and all sorts of new stuff being promised all over the place ...

When I was much younger I used to make all sorts of random New Years resolutions - I will drink less, (hah!), go out less, (yeah right), pash fewer boys (eventually I did that one!), etc etc but then the whole resolutions thing got a little boring and old hat so I stopped. This year for the first time in ages I decided to make a few "random promises to myself", not really resolutions, more like me attempting to make some new habits & stick to them! One of the first ones I made to myself was to try to let things go a little more, relax, don't sweat the small stuff - you know the kinda thing I mean. This one has worked quite well for me, well kind of! I had a few trying times during our summer holiday, where a certain someone (who shall remain nameless for this blog!), pushed my buttons again and again and again. Most of the time I let it go but once I did slip and got a little grumpy - boy did that come back to bite me on my bum!! Never mind, I decided to let it all go and forget about it, we came home and I moved on. See - I am trying!!
I simply LOVE being back home in Wellington, which leads to me to another of my promises ... to slow down little more. This involves this new thing I have read all about - letting yourself get bored. This is quite a hard thing to do, something that we all used to be great at when we were kids "Mum, I'm bored, what are we doing today??" ring any bells??! Nowdays we all end up rushing around, bustling from one appointment to another, dashing off to work, catching up with friends and generally being very busy, busy, busy - but I am going to try my best to sloooooow down & stop to smell the roses on the way. Well maybe not roses, but I can stop to smell the sweet aroma of freshly picked tomatoes from our own vege garden.
I made a few boring health type promises to myself (get my blood tests done, cholesterol, iron, boobs checked etc) and the other tricky and challenging promise I made to myself??? To pull my finger out of my butt and actually update my blog regularly of course!! Hahahahaha talk soon xx

Here is a wee snapshot of the family on the roadtrip home where we stopped at Huka Falls for a visit.